For Immediate Release
November 5, 2024
Kiran Savage-Sangwan, CPEHN
[SACRAMENTO, Calif.] Nov 5, 2024 – The coalition opposing Prop 35 released the following comments on the initiative’s lead in vote counts:
“We are immensely proud of our grassroots campaign, which united communities across the state to protect Medi-Cal for the one in three Californians who depend on this vital program. While we embarked on this campaign knowing the health care industry’s power to muster nearly unlimited resources, we never wavered from our core value that the communities served by Medi-Cal must have a voice in the decisions that impact their lives. Sharing the facts about this initiative and the stories of Medi-Cal patients, we earned the support of nearly every major newspaper editorial board in the state, dozens of voter guides, and organizations representing children, seniors, people with disabilities, advocates for democracy, and advocates for racial justice.
“Today’s vote makes clear that Californians support the Medi-Cal program and want to improve access to health care for the most vulnerable. While we opposed Prop 35 because of the details, state leaders now have a mandate to improve Medi-Cal and must fulfill that obligation.
“In the short term, the state must institute robust transparency and accountability measures, including community and consumer engagement, to ensure the MCO investments mandated by Proposition 35 result in dramatic improvements in access to care including the elimination of racial disparities. State leaders must also preserve the investments made in the 2024-25 budget including continuous coverage for young children, higher pay for community health workers, and more support for community-based services for children, seniors, and people with disabilities.
“In the longer-term, state leaders will face the challenge created by capping federal revenues under Prop. 35. Fully funding Medi-Cal will require raising revenues and ensuring that the wealthiest Californians and corporations pay their fair share to support the health and wellbeing of all Californians.
The No on Prop 35 Coalition includes: California Pan Ethnic Health Network, The Childrens’ Partnership, ACCE Action, The Cambodian Family, California Alliance for Retired Americans, California OneCare, Courage California, Disability Rights California, Healthy California Now, League of Women Voters of California, Long Beach Forward, South Asian Network, Therapists for Single Payer, Visión y Compromiso, and Western Center on Law and Poverty.
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